Made for Success Apps

Marketing for Millions 1.0.11
Made for Success
Marketing for Millions: Proven Marketing Strategies for MillionDollar Success (by Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, et al.) is presentedby Made for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Learn successful marketing techniques, attract newopportunities, and create a “millionaire mindset” with advice fromJack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Bob Proctor, and others who havecreated and marketed successful enterprises and changed their ownlives and the lives of millions.Discover marketing techniques to grow your business to heightsyou never believed possible. Couple expert advice and marketingphilosophy with techniques proven to help entrepreneurs increaserevenue and you will be well on your way to turning your businessaspirations into a multimillion-dollar cash machine.Get inspired by stories of ordinary business people who haveachieved extraordinary results. You will hear the story of amazingpersistence from the founders of the Chicken Soup for the Soulfranchise. You will also learn cutting-edge online-marketingtechniques from Internet marketing guru Alex Mandossian. Then letJohn Assaraf take you on his journey of visualization and discoverhow you can use this powerful technique in your own business.Several members of this expert faculty have generated billionsof dollars in sales using these success techniques from the onlineshopping industry to infomercial success. Learn marketing successfrom the absolute best in the world and take your business into thestratosphere.
Mastering Influence and Persu… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Mastering Influence and Persuasion: 30-Min.Success Essentials for Salespeople (by Chris Widener) is presentedby Made for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Every salesperson needs help when it comes to developing skillsof influence. Learn the secrets to the trade, which when usedeffectively, can turn any salesperson into a powerful force ofpersuasion. Imagine what you can accomplish by using this systemfor persuasion to shape the opinions of buying committees, toughbuyers and resistant shoppers.Chris Widener has personally learned these secrets from mastersales pros including Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy. BeforeChris became a New York Times best seller, he was working shoulderto shoulder on the platform with Jim Rohn and Les Brown who sharedtheir timeless wisdom like:“You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value youbring to the hour.” Jim Rohn“You gotta be hungry” Les Brown“You can have everything in life you want, if you will just helpother people get what they want.” Zig ZiglarIf you ever wished you could take time out to go to an in-personsales seminar, then take Mastering Influence and Persuasion homeand enjoy one of the USA’s top motivators any time you want. In thecar, out for a run or unwinding at home, you can power-up yourinfluence skills while maintaining your busy schedule. Do you havethe hunger?
Devotions from the Historical… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Devotions from the Historical Books of theBible (by Charles H. Spurgeon) is presented by Made for Success.This standalone audiobook app combines a professional audiorecording with supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhere enjoyment.Taken from his celebrated “Morning and Evening” meditations,these devotional readings offer Christians of all denominations anuplifting dose of Charles H. Spurgeon’s wit and wisdom as hemeditates on the deeper meaning of key scriptures.Enjoy this 20-week collection of unique meditations on keyscriptures from the Historical Books of the Bible by Charles H.Spurgeon (1834—1892), one of the most popular authors all time. Inthis audiobook, British narrator Christopher Glyn’s expressivereading brings Spurgeon’s rich 19th Century English prose alive forthe modern listener.
Public Speaking Superstar 1.0.11
Made for Success
Public Speaking Superstar: Overcome StageFright and Develop Compelling Stories is presented by Made forSuccess. This standalone audiobook app combines a professionalaudio recording with supplemental features for download-once,grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Gain the confidence to be a charismatic speaker with thiscomplete guide to becoming comfortable with public speaking.Even though public speaking is the most common of all fears, itdoesn’t have to be a roadblock on the path to your success. Whetheryou’re speaking to five or five hundred, you can learn to do itwith confidence and charisma. The best advice from some of theworld’s most inspiring speakers is gathered right here.These powerful tips and techniques will help you develop winningmaterial, mentally prepare for your presentation, and communicate apowerful message. Besides the basics of public speaking, you’llalso learn how to think on your feet, play off your audience, andbanish anxiety and stress. Make your next speech a dynamicpresentation full of energy and personality.This series of trainingaudios includes exceptional speakers sharing their tricks of thetrade with multiple points of view.
Conquer Fear! (Lisa Jimenez) 1.0.11
Made for Success
Conquer Fear!: Stop Defeating Yourself-EndSelf Sabotage (by Lisa Jimenez) is presented by Made for Success.This standalone audiobook app combines a professional audiorecording with supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhere enjoyment.In Conquer Fear! Lisa Jimenez outlines a 3-Step Process thatempowers you to overcome fear, reject rejection, and be free to geton with creating and achieving what you really want!The biggest barrier that all sales distributors have to overcomeis fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of making decisions. Fear ofchange. Fear of failure. And of course the big one — fear ofsuccess! It is this fear (and all of its cousins like worry,anxiety, and self-doubt) that paralyzes you and keeps you fromhigher levels of success.In this program, Lisa Jimenez will guide you in an understandingof how fear can condition and explain why you do what you do andhelp you to break through these patterns of limitation.You will laugh (and be shocked) when you discover the hiddenmessages that your behavior is screaming out. Through personalstories and humor, Lisa reveals the most common ways that people’sbelief systems can actually repel success! Positive thinking byitself just isn’t enough. This presentation will teach the steps toimprove your results by developing an unstoppable beliefsystem.The power in this program comes from blending the twodisciplines of psychology and spirituality. By blending the headand heart aspects of motivation, you will master the strongestcombination of handling rejection, conquering fear and becomeunstoppable!
The Art of Storytelling 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Art of Storytelling (by Les Brown, ZigZiglar, Rory Vaden) is presented by Made for Success. Thisstandalone audiobook app combines a professional audio recordingwith supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.This audio collection from leading experts is designed to helpyou craft the perfect story for your needs. Not only will you learnhow to tell the story, using your body and vocal intonations, butyou will also discover why stories are relevant to any personal orprofessional setting.Learn the #1 secret of the top professional speakers in theworld: how to craft and deliver a riveting story. Exceptionalstorytelling skills have been proven to build career success.Whether you are at a cocktail party, in the corporate boardroom, orin a routine meeting, your ability to craft interesting storieswill have a measurable impact on your success. Learn how to harnessthe human psyche’s positive response to a good story.This audio collection from leading experts is designed to helpyou craft the perfect story for your needs. Not only will you learnhow to tell the story, using your body and vocal intonations, butyou will also discover why stories are relevant to any personal orprofessional setting.By adding storytelling techniques to your repertoire ofskill-sets, you will capture the attention of your audience andincrease the recall of your ideas. And if your work routineincludes the need for persuasion—whether it is with clients,co-workers, volunteers, or management—the tools in this audioseries will help others see your point of view in a clear andmemorable way.
Public Speaking Survival Kit 1.0.11
Made for Success
Public Speaking Survival Kit: Expert Trainingto Dazzle Your Audience (by Brian Tracy and Dianna Booher) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Learn how to create and deliver a dazzling speech for anyoccasion.Effective public speaking starts here. In this self-paced audioseries, two of the world’s top communicators share the powerfultechniques they have developed in their experience speaking tomillions of people.In addition to the basics of public speaking, you’ll learn howto think on your feet, play off your audience, and banish anxietyand stress. Make your next speech a dynamic presentation full ofenergy and personality from the podium.Inspired by bestselling public speaking programs by DaleCarnegie, you will understand how legendary communicators likeWinston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton can move thehearts and minds of an audience with humor, statistics, andstories.Develop confidence and charisma from the convenience of your caror while you work out with this powerful “must have” series. Thesetechniques will guarantee that you will be competent and composedfor your next presentation.
Closes, Closes, Closes 1.0.11
Made for Success
Closes, Closes, Closes (by Zig Ziglar) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Zig Ziglar demonstrates more than 40 techniques for successfullyclosing the sale.
The Selling Difference 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Selling Difference (by Zig Ziglar andBryan Flanagan) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recording withsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Learn how to set, approach and attain sales goals and improveyour sales ratio.In this series you will learn how to plan, prepare for andexpect success each and every day of your sales career; the art ofsetting and achieving sales goals through a unique seven-step goalattainment procedure; why selling is a proud profession and how youmust be sold before you can sell; superior questioning skills toincrease your closing ratio; to define theFeatures-Functions-and-Benefits of your products or services; theTRUST process of selling; closing techniques from The MasterCloser, Zig Ziglar; how to handle objections using the LQETformula; how to sell value versus price; the four behavioral stylesof your prospects and the selling tendencies for each style; how touse technology as an aid in the selling process; cross culturalselling techniques making you a more effective sales professionalin today’s global marketplace.
Think and Grow Rich (N. Hill) 1.0.12
Made for Success
Think and Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Think and Grow Rich is the 1937 masterpiece that remains a majorinfluence on all motivational teachings to this day.Think and Grow Rich is a motivational personal development andself-help book by Napoleon Hill, written to follow up on andsummarize the teachings of his 1928 multi-volume, The Law ofSuccess.His research started when Andrew Carnegie (the steel tycoon whowas then the richest man on earth) gave him the assignment oforganizing a Philosophy of Personal Achievement. Napoleon Hill, whowas a poor journalist, armed with just an introductory letter fromCarnegie, set out to interview over five hundred successful peopleincluding Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, John D.Rockefeller, George Eastman, William Wrigley Jr. and Charles M.Schwab. He derived 16 lessons of success from these studies, thentranslated those into the 13 steps to success in Think and GrowRich.While the book’s title suggests that Hill focuses only on how toachieve monetary wealth, the author explains that the philosophy heteaches can be used to help anyone do or be almost anything theywant in this world.
Sell to Anyone 1.0.11
Made for Success
Sell to Anyone (by Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy)is presented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Your ability to prospect and sell depends on your skills inworking with anyone. Two of the world’s top sales trainers cometogether to teach you little known sales traits that are guaranteedto make a huge impact on your sales performance.Your ability to prospect and sell depends on your skills inworking with anyone.First, you will understand from the world’s top motivationalspeaker, Zig Ziglar, how to train your voice inflections toovercome the five most common sales objections. Your voice can makeall the difference in phone sales and presentations, and you willlearn how to close more sales by controlling your voice.Brian Tracy will guide you through 21 qualities of top tenpercent sales performers, with practical and easy-to-implement tipson establishing instant rapport and credibility with yourcustomers.Work to double your sales effectiveness from the convenience ofyour car or while you workout with this powerful “must have” seriesof value-packed audios.
The BIG Goals System 1.0.11
Made for Success
The BIG Goals System (by Zig Ziglar, BrianTracy, Bob Proctor) is presented by Made for Success. Thisstandalone audiobook app combines a professional audio recordingwith supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.In this collection of goal achievement programs from the leadingexperts, learn to become healthier and happier by setting goals,discover how Brian Tracy has achieved multimillion-dollarsuccesses, and abandon your fears to set and achieve big goals!Have you noticed that people who regularly set goals are happierand healthier than the rest of the people you know? Understand whythis is and how you can do it, as Zig Ziglar guides you through oneof the world’s most popular goal achieving systems.This Goals product is a collection of goal achievement programsfrom the leading experts on the subject. According to Brian Tracy,the top 2% earners from Harvard Business School are goal settingmasters. With Brian Tracy’s proven goal achieving system, you willclearly see how Brian Tracy has achieved multimillion dollarsuccesses in his life.Life can be a struggle and we often feel like giving-up ourdreams. Learn the psychological science of how to overcome allchallenges along the path to achievement. Using techniques in thisprogram, you will be able to create boundaries around technologywhich will help clarify and simplify your life. Get unstuck andabandon your fears to set and achieve Big Goals!It doesn’t matter whether your goal is to become a millionaireor a billionaire or if you just want a bigger house, a nicer car, abetter job, a healthier life or a happier relationship. Take advicefrom billionaire Bill Bartmann, with powerful tools you have beenseeking that can transform your life and your business.
Hypnotize Yourself to a Worry… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Hypnotize Yourself to a Worry-Free Life:America’s #1 Self-Hypnosis Coach (by Crystal Dwyer) is presented byMade for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Listen as America’s #1 self-hypnosis coach helps you throughyour own hypnotic experience to create amazing breakthroughs inyour life. This audio set is designed to tackle all areas ofstress.A lot of people wonder, “Can I be hypnotized?” The truth isEVERYONE can be hypnotized. Here America’s #1 self-hypnosis coach,Crystal Dwyer, coaches you through your own hypnotic experience tocreate amazing shifts and breakthroughs in your life.This special audio set is designed to tackle all areas of stressand worry from anxiety, to insomnia, and even stress related healthissues. Take control of your own life and health now using thepower of your own mind!
Verbal Mastery Vocabulary Sys… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Verbal Mastery Vocabulary System: Expand YourVocabulary & Verbal Communication (by Brian Tracy, LarryIverson, et al.) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recording withsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.A choice selection of the most useful words to add to or usebetter in daily, workplace, or public speaking settings to gain inclarity, credibility, and augment earning capacity.It’s a multi-session communications retreat in a box! And withVerbal Mastery, this eleven-part audio program, you’ll haveunlimited access to the world’s top communication experts any timeyou want.Become a clever conversationalist and confident communicator,never at a loss for words in any social or work situation. Fromyour choice of words to how to use them to work a room, the VerbalMastery audio suite offers hours of techniques to increase yourspeaking power.Finally, master the language of success and become a verbalsuperpower with George Walther’s Power Talking: What You Say IsWhat You Get.The four-part verbal power system includes powerful andpractical words selected from authoritative, respected sources suchas the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Included are 750essential words you need to speak fearlessly, command more respect,gain credibility, write with greater clarity, reduce socialawkwardness, and, most importantly, increase your earningpotential.
The Writer’s Advantage 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Writer’s Advantage is presented by Madefor Success. This standalone audiobook app combines a professionalaudio recording with supplemental features for download-once,grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.This expert resource will help you develop both your technicaland creative writing skills. Bestselling authors revealentertaining and informative methods to craft a story, organizecomplex thoughts, and write effectively to engage your readers.Do you have a story waiting to be told but know your writingskills need improvement? This expert resource will help you developboth your technical and creative writing skills. Bestsellingauthors reveal entertaining and informative methods to craft astory, organize complex thoughts, and write effectively to engageyour readers.How to effectively write a book, essay, or business plan doesnot need to be a mystery. Learn a foolproof system for takinghighly complex ideas and plots and organizing them into a cohesiveflow that is easy for readers to digest.Let Dianna Booher, author of more than 40 books, share herinsights on transferring ideas from your head onto paper. You willunderstand the psychology of the written word from the perspectiveof psychologist Dr. Larry Iverson and gain insights frombestselling author Laura Stack, the Productivity Pro, on how toturn a complex writing project into a manageable task within yournormal workday.
Purpose—Discover a Life of Me… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Purpose: Discover a Life of Meaning, Joy andPurpose is presented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookapp combines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeatures for download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.A collection of practical and spiritual approaches to helpunderstand and live a purpose-driven life.Living a purpose driven life requires inspiration andreinforcement from trusted spiritual leaders including Dr. DaleCarnegie Bronner, Chris Widener, Tom Flick, Jim Reeve and TimElmore.Purpose is a collection of speeches and sermons from the pastorsof popular mega-churches and best selling authors.You’ll have unlimited access to spiritual leaders and trustedleaders, on your schedule. Listen to these programs on the subway,during vacation, in your home or at the gym.From discovering meaning in your life to finding peace, thePurpose audio suite offers hours of inspirational and practicalsteps towards finding your purpose in God’ creation. Purposefunctions as an on-the-go resource for finding the reason why youare here and how you can live life to the fullest.
As a Man Thinketh (J. Allen) 1.0.10
Made for Success
As A Man Thinketh (by James Allen) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.This is one of the greatest and best-selling self-improvementbooks ever written! For anyone who wants an enriched life and amore meaningful existence, this is a must-listen. Written in 1902,it is regarded as one of the founding books of self-improvementliterature. It has been embraced by groups as divergent asChristian fundamentalists, those who cite the Laws of Attraction,and those who study history, philosophy and psychology. JamesAllen’s teachings invoke both faith and common sense.
Persuasive Selling and Power… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Persuasive Selling and Power Negotiation:Develop Unstoppable Sales Skills is presented by Made for Success.This standalone audiobook app combines a professional audiorecording with supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhere enjoyment.Did you know that everything is negotiable? Using the secrets ofpersuasion, anyone can become a masterful negotiator to close moresales and become an effective leader. Listen as the experts revealtheir secrets so you, too, can succeed.It’s said that "everything is negotiable."Unfortunately, mostpeople are poor negotiators, and the number one reason why can betraced back to early childhood.This audio series can help you change that. Whether you aretrying to influence or negotiate with your largest client, boss,spouse or even one of your children—you need to be skillful.Do you think it might help to be better at reading bodylanguage? Would it be beneficial to know how to overcome the mostfrequently occurring miscommunication problem? Would knowingexactly how someone can be persuaded, be helpful in yourinteractions? Well now you can!Listen as the experts including Zig Ziglar, Dr. Larry Iverson,Brian Tracy and Laura Stack reveal their secrets so you, too, cansucceed.
Whoops! I’m in Business 1.0.11
Made for Success
Whoops! I’m in Business: A Crash Course inBusiness Basics (by Richard Stim and Lisa Guerin) is presented byMade for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.All the resources and steps you need to start your ownsuccessful small business or improve the one you’ve alreadystarted.If you have the drive, but need the “know how” to start and runa business, then this audio book is for you!Named a “Top 10 Career Audiobook."If you are feeling nervous about starting your business, thisaudiobook will ease your mind and answer your questions. Thousandsof people who knew absolutely nothing about business are nowreaping the benefits of their hard work — and experiencing thesatisfaction of succeeding on their own.Whoops! I’m in Business will guide you through the entirebusiness lifecycle. You’ll find answers to the unknowns that may beholding you back, such as keeping your day job, what licenses do Ineed, what to know about taxes and much more.Whoops! I’m in Business is packed with practical tips, resourcesand the stories of people who made the transition from businessnewbie to successful entrepreneur. Don’t wonder about what to dowith your idea any longer — find answers in this audiobook. Thisseries includes a collection of invaluable legal forms and legaldocuments needed to start your business. You can find them at
Sailing from Burnout to Balan… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Sailing from Burnout to Balance and Bounty (byEileen McDargh) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recording withsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Balance is baloney! The image is all wrong. Life is NOT equal.Learn how to sail through the demands of an unequal life and builda “ship” based on your work and not your job. Warning this is nottime management- this is life management.Does the job that turned you on now seem to turn you off? Areyou working more and enjoying it less? Does life seem to be leadingyou rather than you leading a life? Are you struggling to handlethe demands of too much to do and too little time? Are you seekingto find meaning and purpose in your life?If you answer yes to any of these questions, this four book isfor you. BE WARNED. This is not time management course. It asks youto dig deeper; to look closer at what you choose to put in theblocks we call “time”; to discover the work you were meant todo.HERE’S WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: The critical difference between workand job. The power of self-talk and how to handle it. The power ofwords to create reality. A new model for balance. The myth ofoverwork. And more.This live and studio four-hour workshop explores behaviorpatterns which make people difficult; communication strategies forblending; and the thriving skills for successful personal and selfmanagement with the “irregular” people. Filled with practical,no-nonsense information that comes from intensive research,observation and personal example, the teachings will help youovercome the debilitating effects of stress and allow you to thriveand prosper in today’s challenging business world.
Investing & Wealth Management 1.0.11
Made for Success
Investing & Wealth Management is presentedby Made for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Acquiring wealth requires good advice, great timing and an ironstomach. Let‘s face it... the financial markets are complex. Ittakes experts in many areas of investing to help manage yourwealth. Get access to these experts with this collection of audiorecordings, when you need it, on your schedule. Whether that is inthe vehicle, on the subway, during vacation, in your home or at thegym. Use your time wisely. Investing and Wealth Management is likea multi-session retreat on building wealth. You’ll have instantaccess to the world’s leading investors, motivators, tax expertsand real estate specialists. Listen as much as you want.
Devotions From Psalms and Pro… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Devotions From Psalms and Proverbs (by CharlesH. Spurgeon) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recording withsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Enjoy this 17-week collection of unique meditations on keyscriptures from the Psalms and Proverbs by Charles H. Spurgeon(1834 - 1892), one of the most popular authors all time.Taken from his celebrated “Morning and Evening” meditations,these devotional readings offer Christians of all denominations anuplifting dose of Charles Spurgeon’s wit and wisdom as he meditateson the deeper meaning of key scriptures. In this audiobook, Britishnarrator Christopher Glyn’s expressive reading brings Spurgeon’srich, 19th Century English prose alive for the modern listener.
Motivation to Succeed! The Ps… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Motivation to Succeed! The Psychology ofMotivation is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recording withsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Enjoy the world’s top motivational speakers in this collectionof inspirational stories from master storytellers and learn whatdrives people like Michael Jordan to become the best. Discover thetools you need to get and stay motivated to achieve exceptionalgoals.Have you ever wanted to find the perfect motivational speechexactly when you need it most? Look no further!Enjoy the world’s top motivational speakers in this multi-disccollection to fill your library with inspirational stories frommaster storytellers like Zig Ziglar, Mark Victor Hansen, and LesBrown.Learn what drives high achievers like Michael Jordan to becomethe world’s best. Discover the tools you need to get motivated,even when you don’t feel like it. Delve into the human psyche withpsychologist Dr. Larry Iverson using the latest Mayo Clinic brainresearch and understand what role motivation plays inside your mindto achieve exceptional goals. You’ll learn:1. How to motivate yourself and others2. The psychology of achievement3. How to stay positive even in negative circumstances4. Proven techniques to stay motivated5. How to maintain self-discipline to stay on-track with yourgoals
It’s Your Turn to Thrive 1.0.12
Made for Success
It’s Your Turn to Thrive (by Sharon Lechter)is presented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.It’s your turn to thrive! Sharon Lechter’s advice has helpedmillions improve their financial lives, and here her team ofexperts offers advice—that would normally cost you thousands ofdollars—to help you jumpstart your own financial success andthrive. Each thirty-minute module will share specific steps you cantake today to build a financial foundation of freedom for you andyour family. Learn how to manage your credit score, create aninvestment plan, use tax laws to your advantage, figure out whatinsurance you actually need, and more!
Secrets of Closing the Sale 1.0.11
Made for Success
Secrets of Closing the Sale (by Zig Ziglar) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Doctors, housewives, ministers, parents, teachers … everyone hasto “sell” their ideas and themselves to be successful. This newguide by America’s #1 professional in the art of persuasion focuseson the most essential part of the sale—how to make them say “Yes, Iwill!”All of us are involved in selling every day. Whenever we presenta product or a principle, inform a client, or instruct a child, weare engaging in the art of effective persuasion. Allow America’smaster of the art of selling to explain proven, practical salestechniques all of us can use every day. Zig Ziglar provides vitalstrategies for specific closes, hundreds of sales questions, anddozens of persuasion techniques to help everyone sell their ideas,or themselves. No matter what your age, gender, occupation, orlifestyle, these proven techniques from America’s selling sensationcan work for you.
The Nonverbal Communicator 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Nonverbal Communicator is presented byMade for Success. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Learn from experts in communication and psychology how you canstructure your communications more effectively. Armed with thisinformation, you will quickly be able to assess where others arecoming from to build instant rapport.According to recent studies, your nonverbal signals communicatemore powerfully than your words. What do your body language,clothing choice, and vocal intonation say about you? Knowingexactly what you want to communicate by your body language can bethe difference between winning the sale, getting the job, orinfluencing groups of people to your point of view and not.Learn from experts in communication and psychology how you canstructure your communications more effectively by understanding thelaws of approachability and the psychology of great communications.Armed with this information, you will quickly be able to assesswhere others are coming from to build instant rapport.
Converse With Charisma! 1.0.11
Made for Success
Converse with Charisma! (by Brian Tracy) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Have you ever been to a party or a work function where you don’tknow a soul in the room? Learn how to strike up a conversation withanyone and be the hit of the show!Do you know someone who can easily strike-up conversations withanyone? That person can be you! The traits of business networkingare learned and can be mastered by anyone. This audio series ispacked with practical resources to help you learn to think on yourfeet, have a funny story ready to tell, overcome anxiety and workthe room like a polished professional.
The Ultimate Time Management… 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Ultimate Time Management System!:Featuring “The Productivity Pro” Planner (by Laura Stack) ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines a professional audio recording with supplemental featuresfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.This program will show you how to create a time managementsystem that works for you. You’ll gain new ideas from TheProductivity Pro® on increasing output without increasing effortand performing at your matchless best.Do you find yourself continually racing against time? Do youfeel that you have so much to do that it’s difficult to getanything done? Laura Stack, a personal productivity expert, canshow you how to create a time management system that works foryou.Managing time effectively is the key to managing your individualperformance, but it’s much more complicated today than making alist and checking things off.Learn how to set priorities and focus on what’s truly important,plan and schedule your day, and manage your calendar and tasks. Getorganized, learn how to efficiently use social media, and eliminatetime wasters in your day.You’ll gain scores of new ideas from Laura Stack, aka TheProductivity Pro™, on increasing output without increasing effortand performing at your matchless best!This program is accompanied by a detailed self-study workbookcontaining exercises, checklists, tools, and templates to applyyour learning as you listen in the car, on the go, or at yourdesk.
Ridiculous Bliss—Being Happy… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Ridiculous Bliss: Being Happy All the Time!(by Matthew Ferry) is presented by Made for Success. Thisstandalone audiobook app combines a professional audio recordingwith supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.How much better will your life be when you feel ridiculousbliss? Life coach Matthew Ferry teaches street-tested happinesstechniques that are easy to implement in your life. Learn to livein a state of ridiculous bliss and your life will become easy andenjoyable.Eliminate stress and fear and recapture your enthusiasm forlife!How much better will your life be when you feel ridiculousbliss? How much more will you achieve? When you learn to be happynow, it’s easy to be inspired. When you learn to be satisfied now,you naturally let go of stress. Life coach to the biggest playersin the world, Matthew Ferry teaches street-tested happinesstechniques easy to implement in daily life.
Ultim. Time-Management Seminar 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Ultimate Time-Management Seminar (by ChrisWidener) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recording withsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Discover how to make the best use of your time to be moreproductive.Time management is the act or process of planning and exercisingconscious control over the amount of time spent on specificactivities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency orproductivity. This may be aided by a range of skills, tools, andtechniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks,projects and goals complying with a due date. Early on, "timemanagement" referred to just business or work activities, buteventually the term broadened to include personal activities aswell.A good time management system is a designed combination ofprocesses, tools, techniques, and methods. Usually time managementis a necessity in any project development as it determines theproject completion time and scope.Topics in this audiobook presentation include the essentials oftime and personal management: foundational reasons to manage yourtime and personal life, establishing priorities, setting andachieving your goals, time inventory—finding where it all goes,time budgeting—proactive control of your time, and overcoming timewasters and procrastination. Also included is a fast-start sectionto get you going tonight!This seminar is loaded with time saving tips, including thesecret tip that can literally put months of time back into youryear. This tip alone is worth the price of the seminar—if you applyit!
Becoming a Sales Pro 1.0.10
Made for Success
Becoming a Sales Pro (by Tom Hopkins)ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Learn the skills of the professional salesperson and becomeoneof the top income earners in your company!You want to be in the top percentage of income-earners inyourcompany. In order to do that, you need to learn what the topprosknow and how they work. Master sales trainer Tom Hopkins hasbeenbuilding sales champions for years.Learn how to handle normal sales stress factors, howtocommunicate better with your clients, overcome objections andclosemore sales by using the right words and phrases. Thisnine-partaudio series can help you learn and utilize the skillsnecessary topush yourself and others to the top of the businessladder.
Blueprint for Achievement 1.0.10
Made for Success
Blueprint for Achievement: StrategiesforSuccess (by Zig Ziglar) is presented by Made for Success.Thisstandalone audiobook app combines a professional audiorecordingwith supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhereenjoyment.The basic building blocks of all of Zig Ziglar’s teaching onhowto achieve more in your life and to find true success.Strategies For Success is Zig Ziglar’s mostprinciple-packedseminar to date for personal and professionaldevelopment.In this exciting program, you’ll learn Zig’s trusted methodstoliving a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. BlueprintforAchievement offers a balanced blend of personalprofessionaldevelopment tools that are sure to jump start,strengthen andpositively motivate anyone looking for success inlife.
Next Generation Marketing 1.0.11
Made for Success
Next Generation Marketing (by Rory Vaden)ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Learn the fabulous, confusing, and amazingly powerful worldofNext Generation Marketing through social media to achieveresultsand increase sales in the changing business environment ofthe 21stcentury.Will you be left behind in the next generationofprofessionals?When social media first came out, Rory Vaden admits that hewaslate to adopt, resistant to change, and less than fascinatedbywhat seemed like a giant waste of time. He was unconnectedtosocial media, found himself becoming increasingly irrelevant,andhaving to work incredibly hard off-line to get enoughprospectsinto his funnel to close a small percentage and make aliving.Now he’s turned things around and leverages an amazing networktoget unlimited referrals via word-of-mouth using socialmedia.He has created this program to share what he has figuredoutabout how to turn all of this social media hoopla into somehardcash.Business professionals must learn to use these tools tobesuccessful in the next generation. Being ahead of the curvemeansknowing what their capabilities are and learning to leverageyournetwork and maximize your time to get results.
How to Build a Complete Sales… 1.0.11
Made for Success
How to Build a Complete Salesperson (byBryanDodge) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobookapp combines a professional audio recording withsupplementalfeatures for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Bryan Dodge explains the process and techniques of beingasuccessful salesperson.Understanding a Professional Sales PersonWhy did you choose sales?Why is the sales profession your best friend?Learn why you need to expect the fact that success in sales isaconstant journey, not a destination. Learn how to developthecharacteristics of a professional sales person through:firstimpressions, 20 elite closes, relationship selling,closingtechniques, how to lead sales associates, achieving yourgoals,phone sales and leadership in sales.
Give Speeches from Memory 1.0.11
Give Speeches from Memory (by Ron White)ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Ron White, a two-time National Memory Champion, applieshispowerful, proven memory improvement techniques to the dailytasksof a professional career.Learn to give speeches without notes, memorize chapters ofbooks,retain training, remember names, improve grades, memorizechaptersof books, and recall information from seminars or notes!Tap intothe great resource of your memory and maximize yourearningpotential by developing this important skill!Subjects include perfect recall of names & faces,completeproduct knowledge at your fingertips, remembering all thedetailsfrom training sessions, and presentations; the art ofthehigh-impact opening & close for public speaking.Learn how to talk for hours without notes and improvingyourconfidence by talking from memory.
CEO Communication Skills 1.0.10
Made for Success
CEO Communication Skills: Verbal SkillstoInspire Passion (by John Maxwell) is presented by Made forSuccess.This standalone audiobook app combines a professionalaudiorecording with supplemental features for download-once,grab-and-goanywhere enjoyment.If you want to influence, persuade, or inspire yourteam,clients, or a room of colleagues, you need to be a skilledspeaker.Are your communications skills up to par? Can you think onyourfeet and deliver a compelling message at any moment?Learn how to deliver presentations, lead meetings,andcommunicate the company vision with ease and confidence,speakingin a compelling manner that arrests attention and makespeople wantto follow you.
Leading Meetings (J. Cathcart) 1.0.11
Made for Success
Leading Meetings (by Jim Cathcart) ispresentedby Made for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental featuresfordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.A practical and effective guide to running more productiveandfocused meetings by Jim Cathcart, a renowned master ofthecraft.These audio lessons are high production narratives designedforrepeated listening to assure that you become a MeetingsMaster.The eight thirty-minute lessons include all the strategiesyouneed to make meetings productive and to manage themeffectively.Jim Cathcart brings his decades of experience inpromoting"Confident Communication: The Cathcart Method for LeadingMeetings"through numerous training sessions and workshops to thispracticaland powerful audio suite.
Non-Manipulative Selling 1.0.11
Made for Success
Non-Manipulative Selling (by Dr.TonyAlessandra) is presented by Made for Success. Thisstandaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recordingwithsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhereenjoyment.Tony Alessandra presents his ground-breaking and highlyeffectivemethods for enhancing sales and having more satisfyinginteractionswith customers and prospective customers through thecollaborativeapproach of Non Manipulative Selling.When you hear the word "salesperson" what adjectives cometomind? Typical responses to that question are“aggressive,”“overbearing,” “pushy.” Their common denominator isalwaysnegativity, even from sales and marketing people themselves.Ifmany professional salespeople feel negative about theircolleagues,how much more likely are people outside the professionto take anegative.Salespeople are among the most highly paid professionalsinAmerican society, and they are very important to the economy.Why,then, do so few people respect sales as a career? Employeeturnoveris higher in sales than in most occupations. Ask mostcollegestudents if they want to be salespeople and the answer isaresounding no!But the truth is that selling can be fun. In fact, it shouldbe.If you’re not having fun or making the money you know you can,doyourself a favor and get this program!With Non-Manipulative Selling you become partners withyourcustomers and build a foundation. You really learn who they areandwhat they need. In the end, you’ll have more business than youcanhandle.When you team up with your prospects, they see you not asasalesperson, but as an expert consultant working on theirbehalfand achieve new heights of success.
What is Leadership 1.0.11
Made for Success
What is Leadership? (by John Maxwell,LesBrown, Zig Ziglar, et al.) is presented by Made for Success.Thisstandalone audiobook app combines a professional audiorecordingwith supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhereenjoyment.With topics ranging from productivity and time managementtopositive thinking, this audio collection will give youtheconfidence to take your team to new heights and offer hoursofinspiration and practical steps to power-up your influence inallareas of the workplace and beyond.In dog sledding, they say unless you’re the lead dog thescenerynever changes. But what is leadership? What is a leader?Whether you want to successfully lead a team or leadyourself,you need to be clear on these definitions. What IsLeadership? is amultisession leadership retreat in a box. Why spend$20,000 to hireone expert for your meeting when your team canbenefit from expertperspectives for the same price as a businesslunch?With What Is Leadership? you will be able to clearly definewhatit takes to be a leader and have unlimited access to theworld’stop success coaches any time you want.With contributions from the dean of motivators himself,ZigZiglar, as well as John C. Maxwell, Dr. Sheila Barthel, andLesBrown this leadership system comprises an award-winning catalogofspeakers and authors. What Is Leadership? is theself-paced,proactive method for positioning yourself at the head ofthepack—and making sure your scenery is always changing!
Morning and Evening 1.0.11
Made for Success
Morning and Evening (by Charles H. Spurgeon)ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Morning and Evening is an inspiring devotional whichoffersChristians of all denominations a daily dose of CharlesSpurgeon’swit and wisdom through a daily tour of thescriptures.Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) is oneofthe most popular daily devotional series of all time. Joinmillionsof people who start and end their day throughout the yearbylistening to these timeless devotionals. In this audiobookversion, Christopher Glyn’s rich voice with an English accentmakesCharles H. Spurgeon’s rich, 19th Century English prose easyfor themodern listener to understand. Enjoy the depths of thescripturesand by setting your mind on God each day.
Breathe Easy (Brian Tracy) 1.0.10
Made for Success
Breathe Easy: Relieve Stress andReclaimBalance (by Brian Tracy) is presented by Made for Success.Thisstandalone audiobook app combines a professional audiorecordingwith supplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhereenjoyment.This audio series is full of visualization techniques andadvicefrom the pros, explaining how to overcome the ill effectsofstress. You can live a longer, healthier, and happier lifebylearning the easy techniques in this program.Listen as some of the top voices in successfulbusiness,including Brian Tracy. Dr. Mache Seibel, Zig Ziglar andseven othervoices guide you through a program to identify andreduce stress soyou can reclaim a healthy, balanced life. Thisaudio series is fullof visualization techniques and advice from thepros explaining theill effects of stress and how to overcomethem.With all the issues that arise in our everyday lives, findingtheright attitude to deal with them in a positive manner is key,andthis will help in every area of your life.From more time with family and friends to laughter intheworkplace, learn what it takes to rid yourself of added stress.Youcan live a longer, healthier, and happier life by learning theeasytechniques in this program.
Motivational Legends—Training… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Motivational Legends: Training,Development& Character for Personal Success is presented byMade forSuccess. This standalone audiobook app combines aprofessionalaudio recording with supplemental features fordownload-once,grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.A compendium of the timeless wisdom of Jim Rohn, the teachingsofBrian Tracy on how to achieve extraordinary performance, andthemethods of Denis Waitley for programming your mind to unleashyourinner champion.For professional and personal plan development fromworld-classmotivators, this audio program will play a pivotal roleindeveloping your skills and life philosophy. Millions of peoplehavebenefited from the timeless wisdom of Jim Rohn and considerhimAmerica’s #1 business philosopher. Add these rare recordings ofJimRohn to your audio collection and start developing yourpersonalplan for success today.With Brian Tracy, you will discover what skills you needtodevelop in order to become a self-made millionaire. Usehistimeless wisdom to develop your own personal plan forachievingwealth and success. Subjects include personalleadership,commitment, focus, and achieving extraordinaryperformance. JoinBrian Tracy, one of America’s premier speakers onthe subject ofhuman potential, as hailed by more than two millionpeople intwenty-three countries worldwide, as he guides you tosuccess.Experience Denis Waitley’s wit and wisdom as he takes you onajourney of personal development. Dr. Waitley, author ofThePsychology of Winning, will help you attain the qualitiesnecessaryfor winning in life, and he will help you learn how toembracechange. Discover that winning isn’t just luck—it’s somethingyouplan. Denis’ pivotal audio programs will help you program yourmindto unleash the champion within.
Power Speed Reading Performan… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Power Speed Reading Performance System:LaughWhile You Learn to Read Faster (by Liv Montgomery) ispresented byMade for Success. This standalone audiobook appcombines aprofessional audio recording with supplemental featuresfordownload-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Whether you’d like to get through the morning newspaper inlesstime, manage that thick stack of reports and proposals onyourdesk, or just curl up with a juicy novel, Speed Reading is oneofthe most valuable skills you can possess.Like rocket fuel for the mind! What is speed reading? How doyoudo it? Now that we’ve entered the Information Age, more andmorepeople are asking these questions every day. Ironically,fewprograms for reading speed and comprehension can boast thatthey’reboth highly effective and entertaining.Unlike most other programs, Power Speed ReadingPerformanceSystem offers potent techniques to improve comprehensionand speedwhen reading while delivering powerful hypnosis methodsforovercoming any resistance to flying through your readingmaterial.Author Liv Montgomery brings her varied experience as acertifiedlife coach, hypnotherapist, trainer, author, and NLPpractitionerto present the topic in and engaging and effectiveway.If you’ve tried other speed reading programs before andfailed,fasten your seatbelt for a fun and fabulous ride likenothingyou’ve ever experienced. Power Speed Reading really packs apunch,allowing you to break through all barriers and increase boththecomprehension and speed of your reading, leaving only onequestion:How soon can you get started?
How to Stay Motivated— Goals 1.0.11
Made for Success
How to Stay Motivated: The Goals (byZigZiglar) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobookapp combines a professional audio recording withsupplementalfeatures for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Learn, with Zig Ziglar’s book, How to Stay Motivated, howtoapply techniques to stay motivated and be successful withinvariousaspects of your life. It provides you with clear andproventechniques to use to enhance relationships, improveyourself-image, set and achieve goals, and so much more! Learn howtoapply these motivational qualities to achieve success inlife.Apply these winning steps from the motivational master himselftobuild a better, more productive, satisfying life for yourselfandyour family. Change your picture and change every facet ofyourlife.
Zig Ziglar’s Leadership and S… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Zig Ziglar’s Leadership and Success Seriesispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.Zig Ziglar in this seminal collection teaches the essentialandeternal principles of leadership which are vital to anyendeavorand will aid in every profession.World renowned author and speaker Zig Ziglar (with aguestappearance by Tom Ziglar) teaches timeless principles ofleadershipthat can help you become a strong leader in anyvocation.Not only that, he helps listeners develop a deeperunderstandingof success by understanding principles of achievingsuccess in lifeand business. His advice includes a nine stepprogram that detailshow to develop a winning attitude to help youachieve optimalsuccess.A positive attitude is key to becoming a good leader andlearninghow to build people up in order to keep your businessgrowing.Develop a positive outlook on failure, and understand whyit is anevent and not a person. The manner in which you treatpeople willpay rich dividends.Everyone is born with qualities to achieve success. Let themostsought after motivational speaker in the world help youdevelopyour success while you lead.
A Conversation on Character 1.0.10
Made for Success
A Conversation on Character (by Zig Ziglar)ispresented by Made for Success. This standalone audiobookappcombines a professional audio recording with supplementalfeaturesfor download-once, grab-and-go anywhere enjoyment.A conversation with Zig Ziglar relating his experience thattheroad to true success requires a character marked withhonesty,integrity, goal orientation, passion, and love.
How to Stay Motivated—Chang… 1.0.11
Made for Success
How to Stay Motivated—Changing the Picture(byZig Ziglar) is presented by Made for Success. Thisstandaloneaudiobook app combines a professional audio recordingwithsupplemental features for download-once, grab-and-goanywhereenjoyment.Zig Ziglar, acknowledged master of motivation and of boththevalues and strategies that lead to success, offersthirty-eightlessons in how to re-focus your thoughts and energiesto become theperson you want to be and live the life youdesire.How to Stay Motivated—Changing the Picture provides youwithclear and proven techniques to use to enhancerelationships,improve your self-image, set and achieve goals, andso muchmore!Apply these winning steps from the motivational master himselftobuild a better, more productive, satisfying life for yourselfandyour family. Change your picture and change every facet ofyourlife.
Setback is a Setup for a Come… 1.0.10
Made for Success
A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback (byWillieJolley) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobookapp combines a professional audio recording withsupplementalfeatures for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.A setback is nothing but a setup for a comeback! The wisdominthese words can help lift you out of your low points in lifeandput you on the path to victory!Have you ever had a setback? Has life ever thrown you acurveball? Have you ever been knocked down by hard times?Willie Jolley, the author of the motivational bestseller ItOnlyTakes A Minute To Change Your Life!, will inspire you totakeaction!In A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback, Willie presentshis“VDAD” formula (Vision, Decision, Action, Desire) forovercominglife’s constant challenges. He shares his techniques fortakingcontrol of your destiny, using anecdotes and stories thatwillencourage you to focus and take action on your dreams-despitetheadversities!You will hear from ordinary people who refused to cower intheface of hardships, and found opportunities in unlikelyplaces.There are humorous insights (“sometimes you’re thewindshield,sometimes you’re the bug”) and practical methods (Needto ridyourself of negative thoughts? “Face it, trace it, eraseit,replace it!”).
Magic of Positive Parenting 1.0.11
Made for Success
The Magic of Positive Parenting (by ZigZiglar,Jennifer Sedlock, Brian Tracy) is presented by Made forSuccess.This standalone audiobook app combines a professionalaudiorecording with supplemental features for download-once,grab-and-goanywhere enjoyment.Parenting great children doesn’t happen by accident, and withtheproper training, anyone can do it. In this program you willlearnmodern child-rearing techniques from the experts in quick,30-minutesegments that you can listen to while on-the-go.In today’s fast-paced culture, vast amounts ofinformationbombard our children from all sides, competing for theirattention.Nevertheless, research demonstrates that a parent’sinvolvement isthe number-one contributing factor to the ultimaterespectfulnessand motivation of children.So the question is, how do you structure your communicationsandactivities with your children to create a positive attitude withabright future? In The Magic of Positive Parenting, you willlearnmodern child-rearing techniques from doctors,psychologists,parenting experts, and bestselling authors. In thiseasy-to-digestprogram, leading professional speakers offer quick,30-minutesegments that you can listen to while in the car, workingout, orrelaxing at home.
Workplace Communication Succ… 1.0.11
Made for Success
Workplace Communication Success (byAudreyNelson) is presented by Made for Success. This standaloneaudiobookapp combines a professional audio recording withsupplementalfeatures for download-once, grab-and-go anywhereenjoyment.Listen and learn from this collection of Audrey Nelson’s topfourseminars about communicationAudrey Nelson puts together her four top hits for asensationalset. The titles include:He Speaks, She Speaks: What Different Things They SayThe Art of Conscious Communication: A Talent for aTechnicalAgeVictors without Victims: Managing Conflict for aPositiveOutcomeOuch! That Hurts: Dealing with Difficult PeopleYou cannot not communicate; everything you say and do sendsamessage. Today’s technology such as email, voicemail andtheInternet has made communication faster and moreaccessible.Telecommunication is a misnomer; we’ve lost the humanmoment.Additionally, most of operate on automatic even in ourface-to-facecommunication.And it’s not just a matter of in-person orelectronoiccommunication. In one program, you’ll explore how thesexescommunicate. Although there are many individual differencesincommunication style, research has uncovered some interestingtrendsin differences between the sexes. Specifically, differencesinlistening, nonverbal and verbal communication will beidentified.You can improve your communication when speaking withsomeone ofthe opposite sex.Then there are the difficult people. You may call them“inhumanresources.” They are sneaky, backstabbing, sulking,sarcastic orindifferent. Dealing with them is a challenge and oftenleads tofeelings of hopelessness and frustration. The finalpresentationwill identify tactics for disarming games andcontentious tacticsincluding manipulation, blame, sabotage andbullying are beemphasized.